DiversityWorks! by Community Corporate® is our customised platform to help connect job seekers with socially responsible employer partners to access work. To find out more join our community today!

Customised Programs

Building on our extensive working relationships with federal and state governments, and the community sector, we custom build training and recruitment programs to respond to your workforce needs.

There are many opportunities to access a future workforce purpose built to meet your business needs. Migrants, refugees, women and youth are an untapped resource that we can help you access. Our connections to culturally and linguistically diverse communities is our leading edge.

By providing a customised and tailored service we can help you achieve your company goals to boost productivity, enhance corporate social responsibility and meet workforce diversity targets.

Our approach ensures that we:

create strategic alliances
provide business with a safety net
add demonstrated value
navigate government systems to increase access to subsidies and funding
reduce red tape in government relations

Specialist diversity groups we work with:

  • Refugees and migrants
  • Vulnerable youth
  • Women returning to work
  • Long term unemployed

Finding the right people for your workforce is an ongoing challenge for many employers. Significant investment of time and money to find suitable staff often has varying results and can leave employers feeling discouraged and frustrated. Hiring for attitude is a corner stone of our approach.


We source, select and train motivated people to meet the specific requirements of the business and job roles. With a strong focus on diversity and inclusion including refugees and migrants, young people, women and mature aged workers, Community Corporate, a specialist diversity and inclusion firm, builds on our extensive working relationships with federal and state governments, and the community sector to custom build training and recruitment programs to respond to employers staffing needs. Our customised pre-employment programs are subsidised and offer employers a safety net and opportunity to trial potential employees with no direct liability or obligation.

Our commitment is to represent you, the employer, and ensure your needs are at the forefront of our decision making and advice. Our company strives to provide you with capable, motivated and committed people for your business – people that you want to employ and are confident can do the job. This is how we measure our success.

The 6 key steps of our employer-led approach:
  1. Workforce planning with employer directed program design
  2. Sourcing and screening suitable candidates
  3. Training and assessing candidates
  4. Coordinating on-the-job work placements and supported trials
  5. Recommending work ready candidates for employer selection
  6. Provide ongoing support to employers for up to six months post job placement

We manage stakeholders, and coordinate access to government training funds, wage subsides and other resources across all sectors through our public private and community partnership model.

To find out how we can help your business with a custom-built recruitment strategy, contact us at:

[email protected] or call our office on 1300 855 892

“I have participated in this partnership program with Woolworths and Community Corporate from the beginning and it continues to provide me with hardworking, reliable and loyal team members. It is really important for us as store managers to get behind the program and provide a vital employment pathway for refugees who otherwise wouldn’t be working. They truly are an asset and welcome addition to the Metro team.”

Pantelis Archontides, Store Manager, Woolworths Metro

Events and Forums

Our team of event planners work with social enterprises and community groups to deliver highly professional events with a social conscience.

To get a quote to discuss your next corporate event contact our event coordinator today

Skilled Recruitment with The PIPEline Project

Our Professional Inclusion Pathways to Employment (PIPEline) initiative recognises the employment barriers faced by migrants and refugees who bring overseas qualifications, skills and experience but are often overlooked in traditional recruitment due to lack of local experience and references.

Our approach seeks to work with inclusive employers to develop a customised recruitment pathway that supports the assessment of our candidates to meet their business requirements. Community Corporate:

  • Sources candidates based on employer specifications
  • Undertakes compliance due diligence and job matching
  • Designs and delivers customised pre-employment coaching
  • Facilitates competency-based assessments
  • Supports retention through off-the-job coaching for a 12-month period to support retention.

We have supported highly skilled refugees and migrants with finance, IT, engineering, management, and HR backgrounds into skilled roles for our employer partners. Our candidates are passionate about their profession and determined to build local knowledge and expertise with the right employer.

This employer-led recruitment partnership is a win-win that allows an underrepresented cohort of talent the opportunity to transfer their qualifications, skills and experience into today’s workforce and contribute to the demand of Australia’s economy. As our employer partner, you will be opening the doors to opportunity for these diversity groups and reap the rewards of hiring differently with meaning. You have nothing to lose from our shared-risk-shared reward model of payment by results!

Community Engagement and Events

Community engagement happens inside and outside your organisation and our role at Community Corporate is to customise ’experiences’ aligned to your business aspirations. Here are some successful initiatives with our existing partners we have delivered so far to activate communities, and how you can get involved!

  • Welcoming company site tours to increase awareness and access to your company and industry opportunities
  • Hosting masterclasses with your team to share your expertise with tips and pointers to refugees wanting to break into your industry and learn new skills
  • Access to business facilities in kind for refugee events, workshops, meet ups etc.
  • Participate in our employer panels, workshops and job skill showcase events
  • Support access to your supply chains by hosting corporate events, distributing information to hire through your business channels and solicit in kind support and donations to advance refugee employment
  • Hosting ‘morning tea with meaning’ to welcome refugees to speak with staff and gain cultural confidence in an informal setting
  • Donate old laptops and devices to our digital device bank for refugees to increase access to be job ready
  • Sponsoring our bi-annual Feast for a Future Gala Dinner or hosting your own fundraising initiatives.
  • A Taste of Culture* (Team building sessions)

Social Impact Investment


Cultural Inclusion Commitments (CICs) is a programme product of Community Corporate that has been developed over time informed by best practices and lessons learned as national leaders in diversity and inclusion and specialists in refugee and migrant recruitment and community development.

Our CICs provide a framework to support business, NGOs, industry, and governments to participate and engage in genuine cultural inclusion at an organisational level. Community Corporate works with its partners to co-design and customise CICs to reflect the goals and ambitions of each organisation whether it is recruitment specific, customer engagement or anything in between.

It is about progress not perfection and a journey to maximise engagement and harness the benefits of migration and cultural diversity.

Specialist support services include:

  • Cultural Inclusion Organisational Assessments
  • Facilitating Internal consultations, reviews and evaluations on ED&I
  • HR policy and procedure reviews to increase cultural inclusion
  • Professional advisory services in developing cultural inclusion campaigns, projects and ED&I strategies
  • Design, delivery and management of culturally inclusive hiring programs, and more.

Corporate Volunteering

Community Corporate has the expertise in curating and coordinating corporate volunteering and mentoring programs in various businesses to drive your impact further from corporate volunteer day entitlements offered to your staff.

Our end to end support includes:

  • Employee engagement, via surveys and expression of interests
  • Activity and event coordination
  • Community connections and facilitating refugee and community participation
  • Staff briefings, tools and mentor training,
  • Reporting and social media content development, and anything else you require.

We believe in challenging conventional thinking and have delivered a varied range of activities for our corporate clients including Corporate Group mentoring programs, to connect corporate volunteers with refugee participants to share experiences, insights and welcome. Activities have included candle making, cooking classes, bowling, walking trails, orienteering, coffee English chat clubs and more.

Skilling Master Classes, are aimed at employees with skills and experience in areas such as sales and customer service, digital marketing, HR, finance, digital and more who can facilitate an upskilling session that provides refugees with access to knowledge, skills and content relevant to their career pathways.

Corporate Cultural Training

We deliver a range of customised cultural diversity training programs and team experiences for corporate and government partners to maximise the opportunity of their engagement with refugee communities. This includes:

  • Cultural Awareness Training
  • Unconscious Bias Training
  • Cultural Confidence Training (online and f2f)
  • Cultural Design Thinking Workshops
  • Diversity and Inclusion Activation Workshops
  • Recruitment process review projects, and more.