A big mission, hard work and silver at 2017 AusMumpreneur Awards in the Rising Star Category

Good morning, I’m waking up in Melbourne this morning and the first email I see is from a friend worthy of reflection, it reads:

 “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you won the Silver Award as a Rising Star in the Australian Mumpreneur Awards a few weeks back now!!! That’s second in the whole country, what a bloody honour! And you are not sharing this because….. why?… I appreciate this is not necessarily what you would normally shout from the rooftops because you are you, but please be proud and bold it’s such exciting news. You are inspirational and have an important story to tell, lessons to share and mountains to move – this is your chance to bring everyone on your journey and let people into your world and why you do and what you do is so important! Seriously you better post something about this!”

Good question right, truth is I don’t want to take the credit on my own, I want to bring the whole team with me – there so many people that create these transformative opportunities – and I play but one part. But I think her point is more about why I didn’t share such an honour – and it is an absolute honour, so I need to give myself an opportunity to celebrate this. I need to be grateful for all the hours, the hard work, the sacrifices, the proposals that weren’t taken up, the proposals that were did I mention all the hours…! But this is not a story that is new or special to me or any woman for that matter. Anyone who puts everything on the line, is passionate about a cause, is strategic and invests in making a difference and is persistent enough to see it through – well we know this is just what you have to do. What I love about this award is that my vision is being recognised – I want to build a community that invests in the importance of diversity and inclusion as a core foundation for the economic, social and cultural prosperity of the nation. I want to change the world one job at a time – I want people to appreciate what is truly at the core of human dignity is work. And for me to be in that community it’s important that I also share my achievements as well.

This award recognises my ability to build a purpose driven business and be a proud and humble mum – a mum who misses a class assembly every now and then and burns the occasional dinner – and that is all part of it. Being a mum in business actually helps me push harder for the values, the leadership and the principles I want to instil in my children. That I truly believe this world needs people to stand for something and that to whom much is given much is expected and all things considered – this is yet another opportunity to remind myself just how bloody lucky I am to do what I love and give a voice to others!

I think like many women, we can be so bashful in not wanting to shout our triumphs from the roof top with no good reason really. So, I’m taking this time, emails are on pause so I can just say woohoo! Celebrate with myself and say I am proud of the progress I’m making.

What an amazing honour. I am so grateful for this award as I was amongst such a strong field of women, who are all so inspiring and worthy of recognition. These are the women who will be role models for future women – a very important responsibility we now share. The fact that these awards even exist and celebrates entrepreneurialism among women is essential for us all to recognise.

To Katy and Peace, the sponsors Reckon and Doltone House, the judges and the whole team at #AusMum2017 – thank you for giving mums a stage to share their success in business and their efforts to make a difference in the world!

On a personal note, I want to pause for a moment, my kids really give me inspiration to create a better future. And I really want to thank the incredible people that have my back, day in and day out it’s my husband, Adam and my mum, Aida, you cheer me on the most and without you it would not be such a fabulous and sweet success.

And thank you to my friend for giving me permission, I mean courage to just say ‘YAY! I did it!’

This is just the beginning……. Rising star it is, so stay tuned, I’m just getting started!

Carmen x

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